• Security Screens and Doors

    Posted:  4 April 2021        Updated:  28 July 2021

    Q.     Can I install Security Flywire Door/s and/or Screen/s

    YES - By-law 2 permits the installation and details the requirements placed on the Owner.

    Owners should note that the NSW Fire Brigade has released the most comprehensive document on this matter on 27 July 2010 (Security in Apartment Complexes).  This remains its position as at the time of this update.  The NSW Fire Brigade position is clear in that it does not recommend the installation of Security Screens and Doors.  In essence emergency services response to a person in need or a fire who is in an apartment secured with a Security Screen or Door will be impeded and could result, in the worst case, with a loss of life.

    Owners do not require Owners Corporation approval; however, they should clearly understand their responsibilities and obligations on this matter.

    The Owners Corporation does not have a specific position on the installation of Security Flywire Doors and Screen/s.