• The Owners Corporation has endeavoured to get the broken garage door fixed since December 2020 (just prior to Christmas).  Quotes were sought from two suppliers (our existing contractor and another).  Our existing contractor finally quoted, less than $1,000, in January 21.  The Owners Corporation confirmed that the repairs could be undertaken for that price – the alternative was $5,000 to $6,000 for a new door, etc.  The repairs were ordered and meant to be effected on 15 Feb 21; however, the contractor had an internal issue with their Technician who refused to effect the repairs as the technician considered that they would result in further breakage.  During the ensuing weeks Civium continually engaged with Capital Doorworks (CDW) (our supplier and contractor) to get the works done.  More recently, the Strata Committee, asked Civium to seek out three quotes for a new garage door as a backup (in case CDW could or would not complete the repairs).  CDW have now said they cannot repair the existing door due to the damage that has occurred.

    The Owners Corporation is now looking at lodging an insurance claim for the damaged door and awaiting quotes for a suitable replacement.

    Regrettably, we now have to go through the process of assessing quotes, scheduling removal and replacement and maybe re-issue of fobs.  We will keep everyone updated via this web-site.