• The Strata Committee has been advised, and received pictures, over the last month that clearly indicates Residents are not complying with By-law 15 relating to Waste Management.

    In particular, all household rubbish (except large/bulky items) must either be properly placed in the red or yellow waste bins in the Bin Room.  The YELLOW bin is for materials that can be recycled – this, in particular excludes disposable nappies and similar items.  The RED bins are for other domestic waste that has been properly bagged.

    Bulky items that are not suitable for placement in the bins are the responsibility of the resident to remove from site and dispose of properly – this does not mean placement on the footpath outside Sunrise Apartments.  If a resident does not have the facilities to remove such items then they must engage a suitable person to assist or undertake this task.

    Dumping of items anywhere on Common Property is NOT permitted.  In the event that a person is identified dumping rubbish on Common Property, the Owners Corporation will issue a Notice to Comply to the Lot Owner (even if it is their Tenant) and pursue the matter through NCAT for the recovery costs involved in remediating the Common Property.

    Items left on Common Property (other than vehicles) that are deemed to be of little value will be removed by the Owners Corporation without any notice.  Items placed on Common Property that are considered to have a value will have a Notice placed on them and then be removed or sold by the Owners Corporation.

    Whereas Tenants may not believe this affects them, it does increase Lot Owner costs (through annual levies) and quite commonly will flow on as a higher rent for Tenants.  It is in the interests of all to ensure that waste is properly managed.