• The state of the bin room has been a discussion item amongst Residents and the Owners Corporation over the last few months.

    We have finally cleared most of the hard waste from around the property – this included old kitchens, furniture, toys, bikes, car parts, etc.

    To be blunt the people be they Residents (or maybe other people) who choose to not properly bin their items (see below) or choose to find locations around the complex (Common Property) to dump their bigger waste are simply “socially irresponsible” and not suitable Residents for Sunrise Apartments – every individual Resident has a responsibility to do the right thing.  To those that do the right thing – thank you.  To those that do the wrong thing then ask yourself this question “would you like the rubbish you dump improperly left on your kitchen table or bed?”  If the answer is NO then dispose of your items properly.  If the answer is YES then, as the Tom’s Trash Bags advertisement says, I am sure we can arrange a delivery of double your rubbish back.

    The Owners Corporation has been in active discussions with QPRC, our Cleaner, our Gardener and Strata Management regarding the bin room.

    QPRC have advised that we should have 20 240l RED (General Waste) and 20 240l YELLOW (Recycling) bins.  We have two RED bin pickups – one on Tuesday and one on Friday.  We have a weekly YELLOW bin pickup on Thursday.  The bin complement we are allocated combined with removal services equates to 80 single residences (who normally have a weekly 120l RED bin pickup and fortnightly 240l YELLOW bin pickup).  At present we have three less of each bin.  We are looking at ways to address this shortfall – bin room space being the issue.  The locked secondary bin room was removed from service because the then QCC failed to pick up from this room and Residents saw fit to dump large items in front of the door impeding access.  In short we nearly have the same bin capacity to service 80 single residences (being the number of apartments in Sunrise).  It is appropriate to note that we generally have between 5 to 10 apartments vacant at any one time.

    There are a number of RED bins that are broken and we have asked for replacements from QPRC.

    QPRC have also advised that they will NOT pickup up if:

    • access to the bins are obstructed, eg. waste on the floor, dumped on top
    • contaminated recycling bins, eg. disposable nappies or non-recycling materials, as it contaminates the whole batch of recycling materials they have on-board.

    Accordingly, when binning general waste (RED bin) please make sure it is bagged and only placed in the bin.  The bin lid must close at all times.  If there is no space you will either need to hold the material in your apartment until the bins are emptied or properly dispose of at a waste station.

    YELLOW recycling bins only accept items listed on the signage – nothing else.  Boxes must be crushed flat or cut-up then placed in the bin – nowhere else.  The bin lid must close.

    No other material should be placed on the floor, on top of the bins or anywhere else on common property.

    The Owners Corporation continues to work actively with our cleaners and gardener to keep the property free from dumped waste, this includes a pre-collection visit to the bin room to ensure all is in order.

    That’s it folks!!  Basically all we ask is that everyone does the right thing.