• A recent walk-around of Sunrise Apartments revealed that many car-parking lots are being used to store materials other than vehicles.  Owners and Residents have an obligation to keep their car-park lot tidy at all times.

    Security of car-parks is not guaranteed as many Residents would know – so the accumulation of materials means that “word gets around” about the possibility of items being easily available for quick cash and thieves are encouraged to access the garage.  The consequences go further with security cage break-ins as a flow on effect.

    Additional some materials and the manner in which they are stored also encourage vermin, especially in the wetter weather we now have.  Once established in a property they can be hard to eliminate.  Rats and mice, in particular, can destroy critical cabling and cause fires as circuits short out.

    Finally, part of the cleaning program involves the wash out of the garage.  COVID19 has made this more difficult because more people are at home and it is not feasible to use pressure sprays when vehicles are parked on-site.  Materials stored in bays also makes this difficult.

    Accordingly, Owners (and their Residents) are advised to ensure that their car-park bays are clear of loose materials.  The Owners Corporation will be attempting to clean the site as we move into December – part of this may involve the issue of Breach Notices to Owners of untidy lots and an organised arrangement where parts of the carpark will be closed off for a deep clean.