• On a weekly basis the Sunrise Apartments web-site is checked for issues.  Any new items are uploaded and updates done.

    The month of October 22 was extremely busy for what would be considered to be a relatively unknown and innocuous web-site.  We experienced at least forty (40) attempts to access the key administrator account – for which we have continuously maintained a high level of security and protection.  All attempts have failed; however, we believe from logs that other types of attacks have occurred which have also failed.

    The WordPress team (which is the core of our web-site) and many plug-in developers have been hardening their elements of the software.  Unfortunately it was noted today that the WordPress v6.1 version had some issues with other plug-ins used on our site resulting in the Home Page only being partially accessible and others pointing to a Registration page.  As of 09:00h 3 Nov 22 the WordPress version was rolled back and a stable backup of the web-site was restored.  Other changes were also made to improve security.

    We will be monitoring WordPress to check for minor releases and we will test them briefly, with the live web-site, during November/December until we find a version that has addressed the issues caused by the WP v6.1 release.

    Although we are only small, many readers will appreciate even the big, very experienced businesses with web-sites have suffered from either site issues or hacks to their databases that sit behind many of the front-facing web-pages.  So we consider that overall we are doing far better than others.

    We apologise for any disruption to services for Owners and Residents.