• CXI (our Supplier) has undertaken the initial install of key equipment that will control garage door access in the future.  Testing of a “dummy” fob indicates that the door will activate from the Uriarra Road entrance.  The new system is NOT LIVE at present.

    On the work list is delivery of new garage fobs, coding of the garage fobs, delivery to Owners/Tenants then activation of the new garage access system and deactivation of the green door release button in the basement.  We expect this to happen quite quickly after the garage fobs are made available to the Owners Corporation.

    When you receive your new garage fob DO NOT LEAVE IT IN YOUR PARKED VEHICLE.  In doing so, if someone breaks into your vehicle they will be able to use the garage fob to exit the basement with your vehicle.

    To date only 42 Owners (out of 80) have provided the required information for issue and delivery of the new garage fobs.  This is overdue!!

    Owners who do not respond risk, either their Tenants or themselves losing access to the basement parking.  If an Owner or Tenant does not have their garage fob by the “GO LIVE” date because they have failed to respond then it is your problem.  Neither Civium (our Strata Manager) not volunteers will make special arrangements due to an Owner’s failure to respond. 

    See Documents for more info on garage fobs and RESPOND IMMEDIATELY.