• Living at close quarters to others can be difficult at times.  COVID-19 has changed lifestyles where family members work from home, school-aged children cannot attend school when they have a sniffle, everyone is expected to keep their distance from others, etc.  Notwithstanding the world goes on, as it did for some in the depression and two world wars.  The lifestyle of the 21st century has a clear focus on the individual, letting them be what they want to be and do what they want to do in an ever-crowded world – in many cases to the exclusion of others.

    One factor, but not exclusively, that enables us to live closely with others is RESPECT.

    Regrettably, the last 18 months has shown all of us how fine the line is between RESPECT and DISRESPECT.  I am sure many of us ponder what has gone wrong in the world – the answer to which is well beyond the scope of this short post.

    In the Sunrise space many Owners, Residents and Suppliers continue to work well with each other knowing that each person is only trying to get through their day dealing with issues to which many of us are not privy.  In doing so we attempt to do our best for others.  Regrettably, over the last six to twelve months there have been a number of incidents, although thankfully in the minority, where:

    • Residents and Owners have become upset with others and stepped over the boundary line; and
    • Owners have been disrespectful to trades, strata management and strata committee members.

    As one of my favourite YouTube channels is named “Just Have A Think” I would ask that, if you are frustrated with something, do just have a think and see if you can come up with a constructive way forward.  In this way Sunrise Apartments will become a community that will be attractive to both existing and future Residents and Owners.